Pieces too long? Read this monthly summary!

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Are you overwhelmed by the long articles, or don't have the bandwidth? Have no fear: TL; DR for SEPTEMBER is here! This digest summarizes the vital bits from the previous month's "How to Live" newsletter so you don't miss a thing.


I was a Talk of the Town subject in the New Yorker.

This piece from September 6th, 2023, was a Celebration of Two Years of How to Live

Happy two-year anniversary, my friends!

Welcome to the very first "How to Live" newsletter post.

In this space, I will interrogate questions of existence, examine why we are the way we are, and wonder aloud about what it means to be human, all to encourage answering the question: How do I want to live?

I am not a psychologist, scientist, or journalist.

My qualifications come from my time spent living the experiences I write about, not from studying them in a more classical setting.

I grew up with a panic disorder that went undiagnosed until I was 25 years old.

The well-meaning adults around me misapprehended my symptoms and sent me, year after year, for myriad intelligence and personality tests.

Growing up as a panicked child shaped the person I am—for better and worse. It led to a lifelong investment in self-inquiry and reflection while also alerting me to the inadvertent ways well-meaning adults often damage the fragile psyches of children.

In 2019, I was one of a few invited speakers at a conference in Toronto.

One of the other speakers and I liked each other upon meeting. I found her engaging and fun, and her work focused on positively shifting how differently wired children get seen, understood, and supported—right up my alley.

Her name is Debbie Reber, and she runs Tilt Parenting, a mini-empire for good, encompassing a podcast, courses, an abundance of free resources, and so much more.

Today, I’m sharing highlights from the Tilt Parenting podcast episode I was on, with links to the full transcript, show notes, and more on Debbie and her important work.

I was on episode #201 (my favorite number!)

Follow the links to read the full transcript | show notes, and/or listen to the audio version.

The September 20th piece was about the Stoics. A Manual for Living, a Timeless Guide to Life.

Many people turn to the Bible for answers to their deep philosophical questions, moral quandaries, and guidance for how to live aligned in word and action.

As a person driven to face the obstacles in my path to overcome them, psychology and philosophy are the fields that best guide and enlighten me.

While it's true that I turn to my friends and siblings for advice and their opinions when I'm struggling, I am in constant conversation with some of my favorite stoics and psychologists.

Here's my Philosophy posse: Epictetus, Seneca, Marcus Aurelius, Montaigne, and Rilke. While Rilke wasn’t a traditional philosopher, Stoic philosophy profoundly influenced his notions of virtue.

Most people think of Stoicism as "emotionless," but this is outdated thinking. Put into today's parlance, Stoicism is based on rational thinking.

Psychologists teach anxious people to use evidence and rationality to manage emotional spin out.

Therefore, Stoicism isn't about eliminating emotion, but managing it.

And it's this aspect of Stoicism that is most helpful and applicable in daily life.

Today, we’re diving into Epictetus’s timeless manual.

He devoted himself to living a conscious and awake life, and that was the message he spread. So, let’s dig in…

The September 27th, 2023 piece was about Things Worth Sharing: From Me to You.

An Artist I love:

(I’m especially fond of her collaborations with the poet Blaise Cendrars.)

Until next week, I will remain…



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